Saturday, December 01, 2007

What we do for domestic tranquility

Oh, I get it. December, on it's own, does not bring enough stress, chaos and wearying merriment.

Just for some added fun, let's paint the dining room. And the living room. And the main hallway.

Oh well. Even I must admit that the place is starting to look pretty good. And this is only with the first coat of primer.

I don't always understand -- or agree with -- the timing of Mrs. Oz's plans, but they usually work out for the best.

Gotta roll....


Topher said...

Dude, since I have your blog in my Google Reader feed, it's been a while since I've been to your actual blog. Nice header! Really represents Kansas well. We're glad you're here, and too bad about that one school at that one game today. Guess it happens, eh?

Anonymous said...

You write very well.