Friday, April 04, 2008

Travel marathon

It took 12 miles, but I got out all the crankiness. Almost.

Was a bit of a grouchy bear when I woke up this morning. Mostly it was the after effects of this week’s trip, I think. Running was the tonic that I prescribed. It seemed to work.
I now am feeling refreshed and much more content, thank you very much.

Only ran one other time this week, but walked what seemed like a million miles around Vegas and the sprawling convention center. My calves were tighter than if I had just raced in a half marathon.

Had a joyous – and at least in my traveling past, unique – experience in the Phoenix airport thanks to U.S. Airways on my flight home Wednesday. It was a tight connection, but we actually landed on time. I could have made it.

Then we sat. And sat.

“Well, sorry about the wait, but we are looking for someone to push the jetway over to the plane so we can open the door,” the pilot said.

A few more minutes go by.

“We found someone to move the jetway, but it looks like he doesn’t know how to operate it,” the pilot informed us. “They are going to find someone else.”

More minutes tick off the clock.

“Um, I guess we have a power failure in that jetway. Now we need to get pushed back from this gate and we will drive over to another gate with a working jetway.”

About 10 minutes more go by. We pull up to a new gate. They do in fact open the door. I get off.

My Kansas City-bound flight is gone. They book me on a new flight – scheduled to leave in four hours.

That flight ends up being delayed for yet another hour and 15 minutes. Spent more than five hours just hanging in Phoenix. At the airport. My, what fun.

By the time I landed and headed home, it was about 1:30 a.m. I found the boy Ozling sleeping in my place in the bed. He looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb him. I went and slept on the couch.
Welcome home.


Topher said...

I tagged you.

RunToTheFinish said...

Ouch, trips like that are no fun at all. Just found you from good ol' Topher and I'm excited to see there are other runners in KC!