Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fill 'er up

I’ve been sputtering on fumes.

A couple 19-hour days at the office last week. A business trip to the East Coast. A continuing intensive soul-sucking project at work. Back-to-back Cub Scout camping weekends. Our usual hectic pace of family life.

My tank has been about empty lately.

Funny, though, I have been filling it back up not with rest, but by going on long runs. Treated myself to a 12 miler a couple Sundays ago and did 14 over a course with mondo hills last Saturday. Took the day off from work on Monday and went out for 7 miles.

While running, usually I try to work through some problem in my life. Or maybe mentally compose a draft on a writing project.

But I have been so bedraggled lately that running has been a Zen-like experience. My mind has cleared and I have focused mostly on the rhythm of my breathing or the pattern of my footfalls. Truly just absorbing the moment.

My running has become a rock for me to grip while turbulence swirls in much of the rest of my life.

I am getting more than a little excited about the upcoming Hospital Hill Half Marathon. Topher’s recent monumental decision also sent the gears in my head whirring madly.

In the meantime, guess I’ll just keep running and hope everything else moves back into balance sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

Topher said...

Oops. Sorry about that. Hopefully you don't decide to go and do anything stupid like register for the KC Marathon like me. That'd just be aweful. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.

In the meantime, enjoy the last couple of weeks of "tapering" before Hospital Hill. We have to meet up somewhere before the race.