Monday, November 26, 2007

Tigers on Top

As I awoke Sunday, Missouri was calling to me.

Lately for my long runs I have just laced up my Mizunos and headed out my front door for a jaunt through the friendly confines of Kansas. On Sunday, however, I wanted to head across the state line for the full run.

It must have been the game. You know, the one some were calling Armageddon at Arrowhead. In the aftermath of that event – that wonderfully, glorious and amazing event -- at least for a day, I just didn’t want to be a Tiger in the land of the Jayhawks.

So I grabbed my gear and cruised over to Westport. I wound my way through streets that must have been thumping with activity the night before, headed through the Plaza, ran for a bit along Brush Creek and then headed up the Trolley Trail.

The University of Missouri Tigers performance must have pumped me full of a little extra competitive spirit. A pair of runners passed by and then a short time later turned around to come back the other direction on the trail. I was running around 8:40 miles, but the other runners were going faster. Without completely realizing what I was doing, I picked up the pace. Not going to pass me so easily, I thought.

I was planning to turn around myself a short distance later. I kept up the pace – what I later found out was an 8:05 mile; just silly for a training run ­– and didn’t get passed before I turned around about 4.6 miles into my run. A meaningless victory, I realize, but sometimes I rely on these sorts of mind games to find a needed spark.

The build up in the days leading up to the big game was ridiculous. The Ozlings definitely took notice. On Saturday, as we were driving around town, the Ozlings would point out a Jayhawk flag or emblem on another car and make some disparaging comment. I actually discouraged such talk. Root for our team, I encouraged, but it doesn’t mean we have to hate and belittle the other guys.

Heresy, I realize.

Now I know that all Tigers have been painstakingly indoctrinated to hate Jayhawks and vice versa. My college roommates even questioned my loyalty when I moved to Kansas City and found a home on the Kansas side of the line. (Silly me. I wanted to find a good home and decent public schools for the Ozlings – something that sadly is not readily available in the heart of KC MO.)

The prelude to the big battle between Mizzou and Kansas brought out the worst in some. The so-called Border Battle reportedly has roots extending to the Civil War era when William Quantrill and his band of Confederate guerillas from Missouri raided Lawrence, Kansas, and massacred 183 men and boys. Some Missouri nutjobs actually hail Quantrill and his thugs.

I am proud of my school, but many in the state of Missouri were on the wrong side of the Civil War. Quantrill was despicable. American sport has degenerated to the point where it is more about disparaging rivals than celebrating your own team.

And why would a Mizzou supporter need to tear anybody else down? At least for the moment, the Tigers are on top!


Margo said...

Just found your blog via Running Jayhawk. Barb has also forgiven me for my connection to Mizzou (via marriage).

Keeping my fingers crossed for Saturday!!!

Brittany said...


This weekend's game against ku is bound to be exciting and we should be able to kill 'em. MIZZOU-RAH!

All I know is, if I could choose to be an animal, I'd be a tiger over a jayhawk any day!

Let's break back into the Top 10 and get us a bowl game!

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