Saturday, December 08, 2007

Like a pig on rollerskates

Slip sliding away.

My common sense, that is.

I made a disappointing, but what turned out to be a good decision, to bag the Chili Run. That would have involved driving on the highways and byways for some 20 miles to reach the race at Wyandotte County Lake Park. Not a good idea.

It was crazy out there.

I could barely remain upright at times while navigating the streets on my size 12s.

I had hoped to get in my 8 on the 8th. Looks like I am going to need to get a rain check (or would that be an ice check?) for another mile and a half. I put in 6.5 miles this morning.

Glad I did. It was treacherous, at times. But, as my last post indicated, so was my state of mind. I needed some pavement therapy.

I could feel some of the frustration, tension and anger melt away as I logged the miles this morning. It’s disappointing that Topher and I did not get to meet up for a run together. We’ll have to find another run in the coming weeks, or more likely after the first of the year.

Now it is time to warm up and maybe have some hot cocoa. Then the real treat awaits.

More painting. Sigh.


Topher said...

That's got to be the funniest thing I've seen all day. Too bad about the weather, but props to you for going outside. I ran (drove) to Ace this morning for salt and to the Library wearing my running shoes, and realized they have absolutely no traction. Glad I did that before running so I didn't have to find out the hard way.

Margo said...

Could not believe the cold and ice that hit your part of the world yesterday. I've never lived outside of Texas, so my husband likes to remind me that I don't like the cold whenever I tell him that I would love to move to Chicago or Columbia, Missouri.