Sunday, December 02, 2007


Don’t cry for the Tigers.

Not that many of you planned to anyway, I realize. Well, maybe a few crocodile tears. Right, Jayhawk?

It was a helluva season. They were tough, mostly. Chase is amazing. They still are probably headed for at least a New Year’s Day bowl.

I’m whining today, but not because of the beatdown the Sooners inflicted on Mizzou. Stayed over last night at my mother-in-law’s house where we watched what turned out to be a not-so-big-game. Thought I would go for a run this morning, but I ended up forgetting a few crucial pieces of gear. Running without socks would not have been good for my ‘ol size 12s.

By the time we got back to the Land of Oz, it was time to paint. Joy.

Looks like we might get the dining room done tonight, but this little home-improvement project looks like it will extend to next weekend. Joy oh Joy.

Maybe if I am a good boy, and promise to come back to paint, I can sneak off for this….

12/08/2007 (Sat) MARA Chili Run
6.5 mileWyandotte County Lake91st & Leavenworth Rd.Kansas City, KS10:00 A.M. No entry fee for MARA members, $5 for non-members; donations for charity.816.741.2314


Iron Jayhawk said...

If you need it, I can send you a tissue or two. I'll even let you keep the box. ;) That's how nice I am.

I won't say that you guys were robbed in the selection process today (cause that'd be...well...a crime on my part) but I know you guys will represent the Big XII well in the cotton bowl.

Oh, I saw that Degree with Teeth commercial again during the game and I seriously want to call your marketing department. Maybe the KU journalism school could concept something a little more solid?

I kid...I kid...

Hope painting went well and good luck in the chili run!

Margo said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! My husband and I have painting on one of our many to-do lists. I'm almost at the point where I'm ready to start!

Margo said...
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Topher said...

I've had the Chili Run on my maybe list for a while and finally called about it today. The website wasn't very clear about where exactly it starts. I think I'll see what the weather does, but I may just see you there. I know that road around the lake pretty well, and it will definitely be a challenging hill run in any weather.

Enjoy the paint fumes!