Sunday, March 30, 2008

Who wears short shorts?

I do, that’s who.

As I was suiting up for my Saturday morning long run, I picked up my tights in one hand and my shorts in the other. Dropped those tights right on the carpet of the closet.

When I bop out the door for a run, it’s not about the fashion. One glance would confirm that. A windbreaker came off the sale rack. I’m down to two mismatched cloth gloves -- one blue, one green and one with a huge hole in the pinky finger (somehow I lost one member of the matching pair and I just didn’t want to buy a new set so late in the season). Thought about wearing only the green glove, but that seemed too much like a Michael Jackson kind of deal and who needs that weirdness?

So it wasn’t about fashion, but I definitely was making a statement Saturday.

It’s time for Spring to arrive. The calendar says so. I say so. So rather than giving into the early morning chilliness, I just decided to pretend it was a balmy day of the newly arrived season. Kind of a mind over matter thing.

Granted, I was one of the few, the proud (the crazy?) to show up in the group clad in shorts, but I took pride in it.

The temps were in the 40s. Low 40s, mind you, but that was good enough. I didn’t completely freeze off my patoot. Plus, as my bare legs covered the 10 miles, it made me think of the sunny days ahead.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Better get that Nair out! :-)

Running In Oz said...

Yikes. Don't think I am going to take that next step of shaving my legs like some crazed (in a good way) cyclist or tri-runner.

On the list of factors I can blame for my lack of blazing speed, wind resistance caused by my hairy legs is so far down that I don't feel compelled to resort to the bare skin look.

Topher said...

party pooper.

glad to hear you signed up for Hospital Hill. I'll definitely see you there if not sooner. I'm a little behind the training ball this time, but I think I can catch up. Plus, the added bonus/pressure of outing myself is that I'll feel compelled to eat better.

Timmy said...

There was a discussion about short shorts vs. long shorts on this blog:

Glad to see someone else wears short shorts!