Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Put the HoHos down and back away

I was a bad boy.

But it felt, I mean tasted, so good. I’ll probably be bad again. Maybe soon. Is that so wrong?

Yesterday, I fell off the healthy diet wagon and sank my teeth into a very juicy burger. With blue cheese. And bacon. I did go with the sweet potato fries, but I am doubtful that made the meal exactly heart healthy.

I don’t really think it’s bad to splurge on a decadent meal now and again. But I am struggling a bit on the food front these days.

As I have ramped up the mileage this summer, the intensity of the internal furnace powering my body has risen, as well. I can imagine a crew down there shoveling fuel into the flames as fast as they can. “She’s giving all she’s got! More fuel! More fuel!” they cry.

The upshot of this is that I am hungrier and hungrier. Nearly all the time.

At home I can keep this somewhat under control. We have been enjoying bunches of salads and fresh tomatoes this summer. I am making sure to keep the fruit bowl well stocked so that I grab a piece for a snack instead of heading to the ice cream in the freezer or a bag of chips. I tossed some veggie crumbles in the pasta sauce the other night and ground turkey tacos are a frequent menu item.

But during the day at work? Basically it’s a nutritional disaster.

If I don’t pack a lunch, more often than not I find myself chomping on a Philly steak sandwich, a burger or some other pile of cheese-topped gooeyness. Then only a few hours later, the vending machines start to call out. “Halloooo! You are hungry, right? We have food! Come and get it!”

No, I reply. Usually to myself.

“Oh come on! Grab a few coins and pay us a visit.”

Oh, OK. Maybe some crackers or something. Wait a minute. Are those HoHos?….hmmm…How about a nice bottle of Coke to wash it down. Then later as I look at the empty bottle and crumpled wrapper on my desk, I wonder, what have I done?

It’s not a weight thing. I have been consistent with the running, so even with the snack binges and poor lunch choices I have been shedding pounds this summer. It’s a heart thing. It’s an overall health thing.

Why am I able to show such discipline with the running, but then fall down when it comes to eating?

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