Thursday, August 30, 2007

Stay strong

Uh oh.

It’s only been a week or so since we sent the Ozlings back to that big germ incubator known as school. But it looks like they might already have brought home a virus or something.

One Ozling has been coughing at night and the other one complained of a sore throat yesterday. Mrs. Oz said her throat is starting to hurt a little.

Me? I’m in denial.

I’ve got a half marathon to train for and a hectic work schedule. I’m signed up for a fun 5K on Labor Day. Don’t have time for any of that illness foolishness.

Then I woke up this morning. Had to admit my throat was scratchy. The schedule only called for four miles this morning. Good thing. The run went well, but I barely made it home in time to dash to the john. Another sign that things aren't quite right. Yikes.

I am going to go pop at least 500 mg of vitamin C and swill Orange juice today like a frat boy drinks beer on a Friday night.

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