Saturday, September 01, 2007

Call me Mr. Sunshine

My fears that I would be stricken with a case of the flying yarkies, a severe bout of the trots or just a nasty round of strep throat were overly alarmist.

No huge surprise.

I must admit a tendency to imagine the worst and then almost experience surprise when it doesn't turn out that badly. I know. I'm a regular Mr. Sunshine, no? A massive tree in the back yard -- an elm, I think -- has been shedding huge swaths of bark from various limbs. I was convinced the thing was a goner. Visions of huge limbs crashing down on our roof, taking down power lines, have played out in my head countless numbers of times. When the time comes to chop the sucker down, it's going to cost some bigtime cash.

Mrs. Oz had the tree guy come over to take a look at our Maple zapped during the storm the other day. She wanted to make sure it was stable. Turns out the Maple is going to be fine. The elm is OK, too. Several limbs were trimmed improperly by previous owners, exposing sheets of bark to the elements in a way that allows rain to soak in and cause the bark to depart. The tree should be fine, according to the tree guy.

The weather finally broke. Hooray for fall. What a beautiful morning. Ran 9 miles in DeSoto, Kansas. What a cool trail. Fun run. Love the new shoes. They feel so light. I'm feeling good as I get ready for Monday's Labor Day 5K.

The trees are fine. The Oz family had some minor upset tummies and some mildly sore throats for a few days. Fall is here.

We've avoided disaster.

For now. (Just kidding.) (Sort of.)

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