Thursday, January 03, 2008

992 to go?

Since happily being united with Garmito, my little Garmin Forerunner running buddy, last March, I managed to hoof it 721 miles.

I was running earlier in the year, but my record keeping was shoddy. So I’ll just go with what the Garmin recorded.

Many other runners may run many more miles, but I am striving for a pace that offers the enjoyment of regular runs, the benefits of steady training, the mind-clearing and stress-relieving impact of exercise – all without doing so much my body starts to crumble.

So, if I could do 721 over 10 months, would it be possible to log a nice round 1,000 with a full year of training?

What the heck. Let’s give it a go.

I got 2008 off to a decent start thanks to the Kansas City Track Club. They put on an annual New Year’s Day Fun Run – complete with donuts and hot cider at the end. SeeKCRun chronicled the event with great photos.

I was thinking Topher of I’ll Run for Donuts might show up, but, alas, he showed better judgment than to tackle the snow- and ice-covered trail. It definitely was slick in spots, but I just slowed down and took my time.

Indeed, it was a fun run. I got in 8 miles. Plus, a free donut. Chocolate topped with a cream-filled center. Mmmmm.

What a great way to start the day – and a new year of running.

With 1,000 miles of running – or somewhere in the vicinity – that should leave me in decent shape to run a race or two. Hmmm….. choices, choices, choices….

I definitely want to enjoy some of the area’s iconic events. Everybody keeps talking about the Groundhog Run. A 5K or 10K through an underground network of caves in someplace called the Hunt Midwest Subtropolis offers 70-degree running temperatures in January. Some fellow runners have mentioned feeling claustrophobic, but it’s definitely a race I want to try at least once.

The Trolley Run in April is four miles of fun in April that winds through some of Kansas City’s beautiful neighborhoods down to the Country Club Plaza.

The Hospital Hill Half Marathon in June certainly is something to shoot for. My only question is whether I might also squeeze in another half marathon earlier by doing 13.1 in Lawrence in April or in Lincoln, Nebraska, in early May.

So this gets me through the first six months of the year.

I’ve still got unfinished business when it comes to 26.2. An injury-induced DNF after 19 miles in 2006 planted a marathon monkey, make that a gorilla, firmly on my back. Could this be the year that I shake him off? If so, where and when?


Topher said...

Mmm, those donuts did look good in the pictures. Looks like I missed a great event, dang it, but from the looks of the trail and the fresh memory of heel problems I think I made the right choice for me.

I'm going for 26.2 in '08 so you should too! I'm still working on my schedule, but I hope to post soon. Maybe we'll just need to do a donut run.

Margo said...

Good luck on your resolution! I had to miss our group New Year's run because we were at the Cotton Bowl!! Mizzou looked awesome, didn't they?!

Iron Jayhawk said...

I'm thinking 10.12.08 in Chicago sounds like a great opportunity to tackle the challenge again. Registration opens on 2/1. Go for it.

And 1000 miles will be a piece of cake for you this year. Especially if you're training for a marathon.

Oh, and congrats on the Cotton Bowl win. :)