Sunday, January 27, 2008

A gift from the Ozlings

Mrs. Oz had a bit of a fit Saturday morning.

“The fever has pretty much broken,” I protested as I pulled on running tights and a shirt.

“You came home from work early yesterday and spent most of the past 18 hours shivering with the chills from a fever,” she replied. “You should not go running.”

“But it’s the first day this season of the Saturday morning running group. I have been so excited about getting started.”

I was feeling better. At least a little. I thought.

After continuing to gather my gear, I tried to eat something. Got most of a banana down. Then my stomach started to churn. I did feel a little weak, I admitted – only to myself.

The boy Ozling had been fighting a fever earlier in the week.

Schools are not so much places for education. They are germ incubators. Children are not so much little people. They are Petri dishes.

Put them together? Parents are doomed, basically. Oh sure, we love the little creatures. But spend much time around the germ carriers and you can count on work schedules regularly being thrown into chaos. And you can count on picking up the flu, colds, strep or the other latest bug of the week from them. Sometimes it gets really serious. It can sideline your running.

This research study reported recently by Runner’s World heartened me at least a little. Apparently running – even in the chilly willy weather we have been seeing around here lately – can stimulate production of immune cells that fight of the nasties that would strike us down with illness.

“Little do they know that running--even in frosty conditions--strengthens not just our hearts and quadriceps but also our lymphocytes and neutrophils. These immune cells protect us against attack from bacteria and viruses that cause illness and infection. Indeed, a study from the University of South Carolina reported that people who exercise have 20 percent fewer colds than their sedentary counterparts,” a report in the magazine declared recently.

I do believe that I tend to fight off most cases of the crud thanks to my running. But this time, it was not enough.

Even Superman couldn’t fight Kryptonite.

I didn’t run Saturday, laying around the house for much of the day feeling just, “Blaah.”

1 comment:

Iron Jayhawk said...

Aww. I hope the "blahs" pass soon and that you're feeling better. Or at least well enough to go for a quick run.