Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What's the matter with Garmin?

OK fellow runners, the Philosophy Café now is open for business.

If a runner runs 6 miles, but doesn’t record it on his Garmin, did he really run?

This isn’t just one of those hypothetical if a tree falls in the forest ponderings. I am really wondering about the answer. Sort of.

This morning as I stumbled down the stairs to gather my gear and head out, I strapped on Garmito. As I turned on the power, it beeped at me. “Low Battery,” it whined.

For a moment I thought it had taken some kind of reading of my body and issued an alert. I was feeling kind of tired, but was I really that run down? Wait a minute. The warning was about the electronic device, not me.

Then as I thought I might be able to sneak in a run before the Garmin completely lost power, it went dark.

For a moment, I actually thought about scrapping my planned run. Pathetic, I realize. But I like my running companion. I like to hear the reassuring beep as I tick off the miles. I love plugging it in on my return to log my latest progress.

Nevertheless, I bundled up, sucked it up and headed out the door. Without Garmito.

I guess I ran 6 this morning. Don’t really have any satellite-in-the-sky-tracking-my-progress proof, though.

I got the low battery warning on my Saturday run, but it had enough power to survive the distance. I had the sucker plugged in the night before both times.

Something definitely is going around lately. People all over the place are getting knocked flat on their back with the flu and other assorted versions of the nasties.

Do you think my Garmin has caught a cold?

1 comment:

Topher said...

Hey Jason,
I'm going to the Marathon movie at the AMC in Olathe tomorrow. Didn't know if you'd seen it, or had plans to. Let me know if you're going and I'll see if I can't pick you out in the crowd.