Monday, February 04, 2008

Wardrobe malfunction

OK, so my wardrobe malfunction wasn’t quite so dramatic as the Super Bowl saga from a couple years ago.

It was a wee bit traumatic for me, though. Well, maybe traumatic is overstating. Can we go with pain in the patoot?

No networks stand to be fined. Though I am about to pay a penalty in the form of having to invest in new running gear.

Cruising along in the wee hours this morning, I was merely hoping to log an easy three miles.

It wasn’t too chilly, but I had my running jacket on to break the wind. Dang, got a little of the fabric caught in the zipper. Run a bit, then mess with the zipper. No luck. Run some more. Mess with zipper a little more.

OK, that wind is kind of cold. Sure wish I could zip up this jacket. Pull, pull, yank…..!

Oh no.

The zipper died. It stared at me forlornly with a zippery but definitely mangled sort of smile. I looked back with a similar sort of confused and dazed look as the ones that settled on the faces of Janet and Justin back in 2004.

I think this jacket is toast. That’s a problem because the next few scheduled runs will be on mornings when it definitely is not going to be toasty outside. I need a nice shirt for a base layer, some fleece and my once-trusty wind jacket.

Going to have to make do with some sort of a plan B. Then maybe I can pick up a new jacket in time for Saturday’s long run.

Don’t really have room in the budget for one of the fancy, schmancy really pricey Gore-Tex models. But something tells me that here at the start of February I am going to have a few more days this season when I need to layer up.

What to do, what to do…..

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I have never been able to run with a jacket on, so I do not own a running jacket. Layers seem to work fine for me!