Monday, September 17, 2007

A fine fall run

By the end of last week, my legs were drained, my knees were creaking and my foot was riddled with some troubling twinges.

This all seemed to be the result of some big miles. Big, at least, by the standards of my training schedule for the upcoming Kansas City Half Marathon.

I had logged 4 on Monday, 8 on Tuesday and 6 on Thursday. The whole point of scaling back and going for a half instead of a full marathon was to ease some of the pounding on my body.

Was even this training schedule too much?

I drove over to Lawrence in the wee hours Saturday to meet up with the group. We were going to run a bit through the KU campus and then jump on the levee trail along the Kansas River. My plan was to go for 13 miles.

As I got out of the car it was a nippy 44 degrees with a stiff wind. This is the beauty of the Midwest. It was barely a week ago that I risked heat stroke while going for a long run and now suddenly I was in danger of hypothermia.

After about the first mile I warmed up and didn’t regret heading out in a t-shirt and shorts. I felt OK. My foot wasn’t giving me trouble and I had a decent amount of giddy up in the legs.

The rain and the chilly temps provided plenty of motivation after I made the turn. I logged a series of 8:30s for at least 5 of the miles on the way in. I started thinking about how good a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich would taste on the way home.

It was a beautiful run.

1 comment:

Iron Jayhawk said...

A) I'm a bit jealous you ran through Lawrence.

B) I'm running the KC Half as well. Mike and I signed up on a whim for fear of a terrible full Chicago marathon, I though I'd be able to salvage a decent half mary on this training...and then I saw the elevation charts (seriously, I lived there, I should've known better). Should be interesting.

C) I appreciate your running mojo my direction this past Saturday. :)