Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Amazing how much can be masked by a surge of adrenaline and the glow of good feelings.

As I floated through the rest of the day Monday pondering my PR, I thought my legs felt pretty good. Maybe I could run the 6 miles on the schedule for Tuesday. I tossed the football around out front with the little Ozling and puttered around the house.

Then about 5 o’clock, my vibrant legs suddenly turned into sluggish tubes of sand. The power of adrenaline eventually wears off. Not surprisingly, I was tired.

I slept in on Tuesday and took the day off from running. When I went out today, I felt a little sluggish, but not too bad. I took it easy for the first one or two miles and then I started feeling good. I got into a rhythm and moved nicely through 4 ½.

Then….pfft. Like air leaving a tire, the energy seeped out of my legs. Moving up a slight incline took a lot of effort. I just dialed it back – or at least I thought I did. The Garmin now shows I was running sub-9-minute miles – and tried to focus on my form and finish the run.

As I clocked 6 miles I was about half a mile from home. I walked it in.

The schedule called for 6 miles on Tuesday and 6 on Thursday. I was thinking I might do 6 and 6 on Wednesday and Thursday, rest Friday and then do my long run on Saturday.

We’ll have to see. I think I’ll let my legs be the guide when I wake up tomorrow rather than obsessively follow the mandate of a piece of paper.

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