Monday, September 03, 2007

Was it the shoes?

Throughout the summer I have been doing mental checks comparing how I feel this year versus last. Less pain. Stronger. Feeling good.

Today I had a chance to test myself. I passed.

We have a local race that offers a good chance to post a fast time. It’s a fairly flat course at the Headache and Pain Center Labor Day 5K in Leawood, Kansas.

I wanted to run at least 7:15 miles today.

At mile 1 I checked the Garmin and it showed a 7:03. So far so good. A little too fast?

The course started in a park. As we were heading down the entrance road, a deer poked her head out of a line of bushes. Startled to see the thundering herd of runners, the doe freaked out, bolted from the bushes and then ran away. An unusual sight for a road race.

We had to do a u-turn at about 1.6 miles. I slowed down a little, but then picked up the pace. I clocked mile No. 2 in 7:05. Still feeling good. How much is left in the tank?

How do I feel? Pretty good. Hmmmm. Let’s maintain pace. Maybe turn it up a notch?

I cranked it up and ran hard. Not all out, but I was cruising. Started to feel the energy fade in the last couple tenths of a mile. Then I heard the cries of encouragement from the Oz family and some members from The Runner’s Edge group I run with on Saturdays.

Suck it up. Turn on the jets, at least as much jets as this middle-of-the-pack runner can claim.

I was hoping to do better than last year’s 22:19. I saw the clock ticking toward 22. Push, push, push.

The new Mizunos feel a lot lighter than my old pair.

I crossed in 21:57. I’ll take it.


Rob said...

Your blog is a hoot, man. It's fun to read something that's written well. Nice job on the 5k. I'd have to be falling from a plane to post a time that nice.

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Good 5K time!

Topher said...

Mr. Oz, thanks for your comment on my blog, I'll Run for Donuts. I had no idea that it was mentioned on Pheddippidations until you clued me in. I just started listening to the podcast a few weeks ago, and had downloaded several I wanted to listen to and hadn't gone back to the site to download the newer ones yet. It's a great show, and I'm learning so much. Congratulations on the Labor Day Run. I work in the office complex on Tomahawk Creek Pkwy right where the bronze deer are crossing the road, and had wanted to run the same race. Maybe next year. I just couldn't bring myself to see "work" on a day off.

Good luck the next few weeks as we get ready for the KC 1/2!

Topher said...
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