Friday, October 19, 2007

Take your mark....

Think, coiled spring. Maybe, rocket on a launch pad. Or, how about a cheetah just before he bolts after some hapless gazelle?

OK. You get the idea.

I’m ready.

As I walked back toward the house after dropping the Ozlings off at school this morning, I was skipping and jumping as I thought about tomorrow. I was careening through the house this morning, singing goofy songs.

I’m giddy.

Going to be good times. TopherI’ll run for donuts – and RobRuns are running. Little Miss Runner Pants will be passing out cups of thirst-quenching electrolytes. Thanks for the support! And, we are getting a very cool guest appearance from RunningJayhawk. Welcome to Kansas City! My neighbor Bob was going to run, but he decided to shift to leading the support team for his wife, Adrienne, who is running the Des Moines half the next day.

We’ll miss you Bob, but you are a good and supportive guy. Maybe next year in Kansas City.

The Kansas City Marathon and half marathon has set a record for participation. Looks like we are going to have 5,500 pairs of running shoes laced up on the starting line Saturday.

I printed off a course map and discussed with Mrs. Oz where she and the Ozlings might position themselves at a couple points along the course. A little later this afternoon I am heading over to the expo.

My participation Saturday will be a bit of half marathon double dipping. In addition to my entry in the Kansas City race, I also intend to enter my time for the Phedippidations Worldwide Half Marathon Challenge.

The second year for that very cool race also has record participation. SteveRunner (fantastic podcast definitely worth checking out) and all the gang organizing that event have done a great job.

I’m inspired.

OK. Let’s do this thing.

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Good luck and enjoy the day!