Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Two for one race bling

Think Global. Run Local.

There’s plenty that divides us. Why not seek ways to unite us?

At least that’s what SteveRunner and a few of our fellow runners such as Mal, John, Ben and Terry think. I say, Right on.

These runners, who also happen to have some of the most inspiring podcasts, blogs and running Web sites around, organized a little event recently that brought this community we call Earth a little closer together.

The Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon – and kick the couch 5K – Challenge.
Over the past two weekends, more than 1,200 runners from all over the United States, Europe, Iceland, Australia, Japan and nearly every other corner of the globe laced up the shoes for a 13.1-mile jaunt, or in some cases a 5K.

Check out the map of all the participants. I find it stunning.

Some of us ran in organized races. Many others ran a course of their own choosing. While we all placed our toes on a different starting line, we really did come together, at least virtually.

I truly felt connected as I listened to the many runners contributing comments, encouragement and advice on the Cheers from the World edition of the Phedippidations podcast recently. I played the episode as I drove along the Kansas City Half Marathon course the day before the race. Mal offered a series of mantras, including “pain hurts less than regret,” that I found going through my mind on race day.

Getting lost in my thoughts on a solo long run is one life’s great pleasures. But hanging out with some fellow runners on a run or at an expo before a race also is a kick. Uniting across the miles through an event such as the Worldwide Half is just amazing.

Can’t wait to participate in the Third Annual Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon challenge next year.

Through our shared passion for running and living life to the fullest, maybe we can overcome differences or other obstacles that divide us. By lacing up running shoes together, who knows? Maybe it can bring together Southerners and Yankees. Republicans and Democrats. Beer drinkers and wine drinkers. Or – I know this is probably the craziest possibility of all (and yes, it’s hard to swallow that KU is ranked over Mizzou during football??!! season) – Jayhawks and Tigers.

Plus, don't discount the fact that participation can bring 2-for-1 race bling. I’m proud of the medal I got for finishing the KC half. But the WorldWide Half certificate is just as cool.


Topher said...

I, too, entered my time in the WWHM after finishing on Saturday. I think Sunday was the cut-off, so I wanted to be sure I got in. I'm going to steal your idea and post my WWHM on my blog, too.

Seriously, how cool is that Steve Runner? I read somewhere that his real name is Steve Walker, which is, of course, ironic.

Congratulations again on your incredible finish!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I think that needs to go on the fridge :-)

Iron Jayhawk said...

Nicely done. :) I'm with's definitely fridge-worthy material!

On another note...I suppose Jayhawks and Tigers can go hand in hand...but remember, you guys DID burn down our town way back when. That's not very nice. :P

The Laminator said...

Well-said...very nicely put. I also ran in the 2nd WWHM, and feel very awed by the experience of thinking global, but running local.

Congrats on your half and look forward to running with you virtually next year.