Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Please pass the salt

The margin for error in a half marathon is much greater than it is for a longer race.

While this may be more than obvious for experienced marathoners, it’s given me another box to include on my mental checklist as I prepare for 26.2, probably next fall.

During my recent half marathon, I clipped along without many a care. Usually I grabbed a cup of water or Gatorade at the aid stations, but I only sipped a little before tossing the cup aside. (I must admit that I abandoned the cups from the Kansas City Half Marathon a little wistfully. They were Spider Man cups and kind of cool, but I digress).

My point is that I didn’t make sure to take in a certain amount of sports drink as I made my way through the course. I was winded when I got to the end of 13.1, but I didn’t experience any cramps or other serious problems.

I recently heard anecdotes from a couple of experienced marathoners I respect about cramping problems as they tackled full marathons this fall. Both were on track through much of the race to break the 4-hour barrier. Both, however, still ended up setting PRs, but were zapped with cramping legs late in the race that forced them to walk.

It’s left me with some questions about how much sports drink to take in during a race. I have experimented with Gu in the past while on long runs. Maybe that will take care of it all. Or maybe salt tablets are necessary.

This article chalks it all up to getting in sufficient miles in training and then taking in salt and sports drink during a race, but it doesn’t really indicate how much. Looks like I have some research to do.

I got out this morning for 5.5. Didn’t get in any running over the weekend. My activities could count as cross-training, though. At least I am sore enough that they should qualify.

Went camping over the weekend with the youngest Ozling and his Cub Scout den. Not many experienced campers among the other fathers. One said he hadn’t been camping recently. I asked how recently. Back when he was a Cub Scout. About 30 years ago.

We all survived and had a good time. Fun times around the campfire. And we took a nice hike around the lake at Watkins Mill State Park. A large portion of the trail was paved, which didn’t seem to agree with my hiking boots. My calves are sorer this week than they were in the days after the half marathon.

1 comment:

Topher said...

Wow, 5.5 miles AND a post all before sunrise? Good for you. I was supposed to run 4 this morning, but my bed felt too good to leave. So much for discipline, eh?

That was a very informative article on salt intake. I'd read about people taking salt packets and asked a co-worker/marathoner about it once. He told me to make sure I got enough sodium, but that was about it. How would I know if I was getting enough?

During the KC Half, I alternated between water and Gatorade at each aid station (water at one, Gatorade at the next). I didn't have any muscle cramping until after crossing the finish when I had to stand in line to get through the refreshment tent. Not much room to stretch or walk around until I got through the cattle shute.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend for camping. We take our scout troop to Watkins Mill once or twice a year, and it is a nice place.

BTW, saw you got added to Complete Running last week, too. Looks like we're in good company. Lots of great blogs there.